星期五, 11月 09, 2007

profuis and vs2005 crash

We would like to add the following. At least the problem occurs under the following conditions:1) The OS is an East Asian Windows (e.g. Chinese) or an English Windows but with an East Asian language set as the language for non-Unicode programs (in the Windows Regional and Language Options dialog).2) Visual Studio 2005 with or without Service Pack 1. 3) Prof-UIS is compiled using a Unicode configuration (e.g. Unicode Debug or Unicode Release).We suspect the problem is caused by a bug in the compiler of Visual Studio 2005: when compiling the string table resources of certain languages, the IDE crashes. At the moment it is caused by some strings in the .rc files with resources of the following languages: Czech, Lithuanian and Turkish. We have not yet tested it with Slovak that was recently added. So you can either compile Prof-UIS on an English Windows or exclude these languages from the resources. In the latter case, just open C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\Include\Resources\resource.rc and comment out the above mentioned resources, for example:/*
// Czech resources
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) defined(AFX_TARG_CSY)
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma code_page(1250)
#endif //_WIN32
#include "Resource_csy.rc"
#endif // Czech resources

1 則留言:

agedboy 提到...

Hi buddy, I've got the same experience as yours. I added 14 languages into the string table of my project, including Czeck, Turkish, etc. Then my VisualStudio 2008 IDE crashed.

At first, I suspected that has been caused by the RC.exe. But the RC.exe didn't crash under command line. What's more, I found the Clean command to the multilingua project could also kill the IDE. So I'm thinking now it should to be the IDE's bug.