星期二, 10月 25, 2016


  1. 目錄部份, 修改各層「目錄」相關樣式就可以了
  2. 標號部份,可於插入標號後,按ctrl+shift+s鍵叫出「目前」所在標號的樣式選單,再選「修改」樣式,去修改字型大小就好了。

星期六, 10月 15, 2016

psnr and ssim 好文章

1. Ji Life House: 圖片相似度----SSIM以及PSNR

2. 视频编码方案之间的比较(HEVC,H.264,MPEG2等)

3. 電機工程系碩士班碩士學位論文基於SSIM 之H.264 視訊傳輸服務品質

4. [參考] x264命令行參數解釋

5. Netflix 評估影片品質的方法

6. H.264轉碼加速:NVENC大戰Quick Sync

7. x264视频压制入门

8. How to consider bitrate, -maxrate and -bufsize of a video for web

星期一, 10月 10, 2016

Node.js Job Queue

Kue, https://github.com/Automattic/kue


1. Install Redis
2. Install Kue

1. 建立queue instance
    var kue = require('kue'),
    var jobs = kue.createQueue();

2. 建立job
    job = jobs.create('bessel-filter-image', jobArgs).save();

3. 等待job 結束(callback)
      .on('complete', function(result) { //whatever you want to do })
      .on('failed', function() { console.log(job.id); });
1. 建立queue instance?
2. 處理job
3. 處理完呼叫done

jobs.process('bessel-filter-image', function(job, done) {
   console.log(job.data.whatever); // stored in jobArgs
   var result = bessel(); // let's imagine applying the filter
   done(null, result); // forward the result of your job

更新Job Progress....

actually this is covered in the documentation - https://github.com/LearnBoost/kue
"Job Events
Job-specific events are fired on the Job instances via Redis pubsub. The following events are currently supported:
  • failed the job has failed
  • complete the job has completed
  • promotion the job (when delayed) is now queued
  • progress the job's progress ranging from 0-100 For example this may look something like the following:
    var job = jobs.create('video conversion', {
        title: 'converting loki\'s to avi'
      , user: 1
      , frames: 200
    job.on('complete', function(){
        console.log("Job complete");
    }).on('failed', function(){
        console.log("Job failed");
    }).on('progress', function(progress){
        process.stdout.write('\r  job #' + job.id + ' ' + progress + '% complete');
bare in mind that your job might not be processed immediatly (depends on your queue), so the client can wait some time for a result..
EDIT: as mentioned in the comments, a job doesn't return any results so you should store the result in the database along with the job id and query the database when the job is complete.
in order to keep the connection open, use res.write and res.end instead of res.json which ends the connection (You'll have to JSON.stringify the data yourself). also, remember that the browser can timeout if this takes too long..

Updating Progress

For a "real" example, let's say we need to compile a PDF from numerous slides with node-canvas. Our job may consist of the following data, note that in general you should not store large data in the job it-self, it's better to store references like ids, pulling them in while processing.
queue.create('slideshow pdf', {
    title: user.name + "'s slideshow"
  , slides: [...] // keys to data stored in redis, mongodb, or some other store
We can access this same arbitrary data within a separate process while processing, via the job.data property. In the example we render each slide one-by-one, updating the job's log and progress.
queue.process('slideshow pdf', 5, function(job, done){
  var slides = job.data.slides
    , len = slides.length;

  function next(i) {
    var slide = slides[i]; // pretend we did a query on this slide id ;)
    job.log('rendering %dx%d slide', slide.width, slide.height);
    renderSlide(slide, function(err){
      if (err) return done(err);
      job.progress(i, len, {nextSlide : i == len ? 'itsdone' : i + 1});
      if (i == len) done()
      else next(i + 1);


Node.js Job Queue

Kue, https://github.com/Automattic/kue


1. Install Redis
2. Install Kue

1. 建立queue instance
    var kue = require('kue'),
    var jobs = kue.createQueue();

2. 建立job
    job = jobs.create('bessel-filter-image', jobArgs).save();

3. 等待job 結束(callback)
      .on('complete', function(result) { //whatever you want to do })
      .on('failed', function() { console.log(job.id); });
1. 建立queue instance?
2. 處理job
3. 處理完呼叫done

jobs.process('bessel-filter-image', function(job, done) {
   console.log(job.data.whatever); // stored in jobArgs
   var result = bessel(); // let's imagine applying the filter
   done(null, result); // forward the result of your job

更新Job Progress....

actually this is covered in the documentation - https://github.com/LearnBoost/kue
"Job Events
Job-specific events are fired on the Job instances via Redis pubsub. The following events are currently supported:
  • failed the job has failed
  • complete the job has completed
  • promotion the job (when delayed) is now queued
  • progress the job's progress ranging from 0-100 For example this may look something like the following:
    var job = jobs.create('video conversion', {
        title: 'converting loki\'s to avi'
      , user: 1
      , frames: 200
    job.on('complete', function(){
        console.log("Job complete");
    }).on('failed', function(){
        console.log("Job failed");
    }).on('progress', function(progress){
        process.stdout.write('\r  job #' + job.id + ' ' + progress + '% complete');
bare in mind that your job might not be processed immediatly (depends on your queue), so the client can wait some time for a result..
EDIT: as mentioned in the comments, a job doesn't return any results so you should store the result in the database along with the job id and query the database when the job is complete.

Job progress is extremely useful for long-running jobs such as video conversion. To update the job's progress simply invokejob.progress(completed, total [, data]):
job.progress(frames, totalFrames);
data can be used to pass extra information about the job. For example a message or an object with some extra contextual data to the current status.