星期日, 8月 31, 2014



星期六, 8月 30, 2014


1. 座位不會很小,跟國內線立榮飛機座位寬度差不多,但是比較舒服,腳長也還可以。
2. 機上會廣播說不能吃外食,但是組員很忙,低調吃應該沒人會管。沒看到有人偷吃被阻止。
3. 手提行李會先於check in 檢查,重量限七公斤,可以用小登機箱,檢查後會用行李貼紙貼一圈標記,登機時會檢查。此外,可以隨身再背另外隨身小背包,沒有問題。
4. 台灣地勤由長榮處理,韓國好像由瑞航處理。

5. 航班到韓國有點晚,出境大概要花40分鐘,機場到首爾站要一小時左右,到旅館都快凌晨一點。
6. 回台灣時間更差,出境約凌晨1:00,己經沒有統聯接駁車,要等到3:00才會有車。要回中南部就很麻煩。現場會有很多計程車司機攬客共乘,我們採取先坐計程車(共500元)到桃園交流道,再買和欣客運的車回台南。和欣客運凌晨約一小時一班,座位不多,所以我們多等了一個小時,3:00才坐上車,到台南約7:30。

星期四, 8月 21, 2014

Samsung ML-1520 driver for Mac OS X 10.14.x and old 10.9

Updated 2019-7-3: Since the old download can't work, please go to http://splix.ap2c.org/ site to download the splix source code. Then, unzip it. You can find a file named ml1520.ppd under the ppd sub-directory. Go to printer to install the ML-1520 printer with the custom ml1520.ppd driver. Now, all should be ok.

reference from: http://buklijas.info/blog/2018/02/01/samsung-ml-1520-os-x-10-12-mac-os-sierra/

OLD:The official site does not provide the driver, however, there has a open source mac driver that works on my MAC OS X 10.9.


星期六, 8月 16, 2014

Acer s7 replace ssd hd 256gb

 0. prepare a external USB hd with ntfs format.
1. using windows 7 recover in win 8 to create system image.
2. store the image to external disk.
3. create win 8 recover disk into a USB flash drive.
4. open the back cover, raplace the old ssd disk with new 256gb ssd disk. (msata interface )
5. reboot the system with USB flash drive.
6. select the recovery image with external USB hd for system recovery.
7. finish and reboot system.
8. use the disk tool to create new disk partitation and use the unused space.

星期五, 8月 15, 2014


ActivePresenter is good for free video recording.. http://atomisystems.com/activepresenter/

好用,功能多,免費版本可以編修視訊內容,類似catasia studio.