星期日, 7月 29, 2007

[學術研究]Import text from Word or Notepad



Import text from Word or Notepad
Recently, a friend told me he sometimes copied and pasted text from a Microsoft Office Word document into PowerPoint and then changed the size, color, and so on on every slide.
You should never have to do that.
You can import text from Word or even Notepad (or any text editor) to create a new presentation. This is called importing an outline. Follow these steps to create the outline:
Open a Word or Notepad document.
Type the content if you haven't already done so, following the guildines below.
Make sure each line, whether for a slide title or bulleted text, is on its own line. There should be no blank lines, because these come in as blank slides!
Before each line of bulleted text, insert a tab.
To create 2nd-level bulleted text, insert two tabs.
Save the file as a .doc or .txt file.
Here's an example:
To use the outline, follow these steps:
Start a new presentation.
Choose File > Open.
From the Files of Type drop-down list, choose All Outlines.
Find your file, select it, and click Open.
That's it! Your presentation is created! Here's an example. The only change I made was to use the Title Slide layout for the first slide.

As you can see, the text comes in the appropriate size, according to the slide master.
You can also insert an outline into an existing presentation. Perhaps you have some content that you want to use for just a couple of slides. Follow these steps:
On the Outline tab of the Outline pane, click the slide you want the outline content to appear after.
Choose insert > Slides from Outline.
Select your outline file and click Insert.

星期五, 7月 13, 2007


error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol

把.c的附檔名 改成 .cpp就可以了