星期二, 2月 16, 2016


  • 安裝cscope

  • 假如程式碼不需要build只想要查尋原始source code,則可匯入舊的程式碼,如library。(忽略custom build, 如果是用msys2等,直接打開shell 在msys2下make編譯library就好,不要再codelite中設定)。

假設舊的程式碼在 D:\TestArea\MyCustomProject and uses makefile for the build process.
The fastest way to import this project into CodeLite is:
  • Create a new project Workspace -> Create New Project give it any name and place it under D:\TestArea\MyCustomProject ( you can check the option 'create the project under a separate directory' )
  • Right-click on the project, and select Import Files From Directory. The import dialog will pop up; accept its defaults and click OK. (匯入不會把檔案複製一遍,原檔案還是會留在原來的地方)
  • Once the import process completes, you can expand the tree to the left, where you should see all source files imported from the disk.
  • You can add / delete any targets from the Project Settings -> Customize >Custom Build , the below screenshot shows how to add a cmake target
You can access all the targets from the menu bar as shown below or by right clicking on the project and select Custom Build Targets
